The purpose of Home Learning at Hilltop is to establish a routine of continued learning beyond school. This is particularly important as pupils move on to middle school after Year 4. We also believe it is a valuable way for parents and carers to remain aware of their children's progress in Core Subjects. Some key areas of learning are best consolidated through repeated practise. These form the focus of home learning.
Reading: all children are expected to read with an adult outside of school on at least 4 occasions each week. Children can earn bronze, silver and gold badges after meeting this target for 10 weeks.
Spellings: Each child from Year 1 has a personalised set of target words which they are learning to spell. Time is given in school to practise these spellings but we encourage parents/carers to support additional spelling practise at home.
Maths: A weekly Online MyMaths game/task is set for all children from Year 1. Pupils have a full week to complete this challenge. In addition all children from Year 1 have access to Numbots for practise of number bonds and TimesTable Rockstars for times table revision.
Written Prepare and Share English: A weekly written English task is set for all children from Year 1. Pupils are given a full week to complete this task. This piece of written learning is a key resource used in the Thursday English lesson and so will impact on participation if it is not completed and returned to school in time.
Parents / carers are encouraged to speak to class teachers if they are experiencing any challenges with regard to home learning.
The temporary provisions in the Coronavirus Act 2020 expired on 24 March 2022. As a result the Remote Education (England) Temporary Continuity (No.2) direction no longer has effect.
Attendance is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age. We will consider providing remote education to pupils in circumstances when in-person attendance is either not possible or contrary to government guidance.
This might include:
occasions when the school leadership decides that it is not possible to open safely, or that opening would contradict guidance from local or central government
occasions when individual pupils, for a limited duration, are unable to physically attend their school but are able to continue learning, for example pupils with an infectious illness
In these circumstances, we will provide remote education as soon as reasonably practicable, though in proportion to the length of absence and disruption to the pupil's learning.
Parents of children in Nursery, please remember that Tapestry is a wonderful way for your child and their teachers to stay in touch. We would love to see your photos and stories about learning at home.
Online Learning Platforms
Many of these platforms offer a range of optional tasks / games which pupils can access online. They may be used in class to support other forms of learning. Parent will be informed where any of these platforms must be accessed for set home learning.
We suggest that families create a login for this free account.. Please choose the colour band whic your child is currently reading
Each child in Nursery to Year 1 has a Letterland login. These are stuck inside their home reading diary. Please do not share your child's login details.
School login page:
Children in Year 3 & 4 have individual logins for TimesTables Rock Star and Numbots. These are stuck in their Home Reading diaries.
Families may purchase Busy Things logins from the school office.
login here: