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Hilltop First School and Foundation Stage

Governor Information

The Hilltop Governing Body


The Governing Body works with the school’s Headteacher and her Leadership Team to make sure that Hilltop lives up to its mission 

…to create and maintain a school that gives its children the best possible outcomes.


The Governing Body carries out three roles at Hilltop:

  • Set the strategic direction of the school, ensuring that this is in line with the school’s vision, its ethos and values.
  • Holds the Headteacher and her Leadership Team to account for the quality of provision at Hilltop; to make sure that every child receives the best possible teaching, learns in a nurturing and exciting environment and is making excellent progress in their education as a result.
  • Monitor the school’s academic and financial performance, to ensure that the provision offered by Hilltop results in the children attaining well, compared to their peers across the country, and that the school is making the best use of the money in its budget.

Hilltop governors come from right across the school and wider community.  We have three governors currently elected by the parents, one governor elected by the staff of Hilltop, one elected by the Local Authority and four Co-Opted governors elected by the Governing Board itself and the Headteacher.  Individually they have wide-ranging skills which the Governing Board uses to carry out its work effectively, as outlined below. Collectively, what they all share is a strong commitment to the school and the children of Hilltop.


STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES - reviewed and updated Autumn 2023

  1. To become the school of choice in the heart of our community.
  2. To develop a rich, relevant and ambitious curriculum that supports children’s learning at all stages.
  3. To enhance the indoor and outdoor learning environments to support the values of the school.
  4. To grow high quality teachers to become leaders who can share good practice beyond our school.
  5. To continue to ensure that pupils, staff, parents and carers experience a sense of belonging within the school.




Meet the team...


Darren James

Chair of Governors

Appointed by GB

Date Appointed: March 2018

Term of Office: March 2022 - March 2026

(Looked After Children and Safeguarding Governor, PPG Governor; HT Performance Management)

Other Governance Roles: None



Tom Korff

Vice Chair of Governors

Appointed by GB

Date Appointed: March 2021

Term of Office: March 2021 - March 2025

(Sports Premium Link Governor)

Other Governance Roles: None



Jagdip Flora

Parent Governor

Elected by parents

Date Appointed: November 2020

Term of Office: November 2020 - November 2024

(Early Years Link Governor)

Other Governance Roles: None



Karandeep Gill

Parent Governor

Elected by parents

Date Appointed: March 2023

Term of Office: March 2023 - March 2027

(H&S Governor, Wellbeing Governor)

Other Governance Roles: None



Cathrin Lemoine

Parent Governor

Appointed by GB

Date Appointed: March 2024

Term of Office: March 2024 - March 2028

(SEND Governor)

Other Governance Roles: None



Juliet Wright

Staff Governor

Appointed by GB

Date Appointed: November 2023

Term of Office: November 2023 - November 2027

Other Governance Roles: None



Lynn Bima


Date Appointed: September 2017



FGB meeting attendance 2022-3:

Darren JamesTBCTBCNA
Jagdip FloraTBCTBCNA
Karandeep GillTBCTBCNA
Felicity ScreenAATBCTBCNA
Ghislin WalkerPATBCTBCNA
EGovernor's term ended before meeting date  
NAMeeting did not take place   
NNew governor, not yet in post   



Local Authority Governor TBC

If you are interested in finding out more about being a governor at Hilltop, please contact the Clerk to Governors (Tamsin Denholm) on



Governors whose terms ended in the previous 12 months:

Felicity Screen - Governor (Term of Office: January 2022 to June 2024, no other governance roles held)

Derek Moss - Associate Governor (Term of Office: September 2023 to January 2024, Associate Governor at Furze Platt Primary Federation, Associate Governor at Riverside Primary School)

Kiran Birk - Parent Governor (Term of Office: November 2019 to October 2023, no other governance roles held)

Ghislin Walker - Staff Governor (Term of Office: October 2021 to October 2023, no other governance roles held)






