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Hilltop First School and Foundation Stage

Hilltop Friends (PTA)

Hilltop Friends is the Hilltop Parent Teacher Association - all parents/carers of every pupil at Hilltop are members of the PTA.


As a registered charity, we require a team of elected committee members who attend an Annual General Meeting.  Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting as it's a chance to see how the funds raised are used for the benefit of the children.  If you would like to become a committee member or officer, please get in touch at


Hilltop Friends works in partnership with the school.  We agree our aims and projects for the year then the parents and carers support us by organising events and social occasions to support the community spirit so valued in our school, whilst helping to raise funds.


Without running these events it means we won't be able to provide the school with vital funds - we have already paid for the refurbishment of the library, which included purchasing the Smartboard and PC.  We have also paid for a PA system and a charging trolley for the pupil's laptops.


Please get in touch with one of your class reps if you are able to contribute, however small your commitment.  Every bit of help is much appreciated.


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